
  • Entreq Wilma half-size rack

    Entreq Wilma half-size rack

    Entreq Wilma is an Athena hifi rack but in "Half Size"! Available in many different configurations and of course featuring the exciting option of direct grounding the rack/shelves. Shelf size is 400(w) x 330mm. There are 2 shelf thicknesses available;...
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  • Entreq Athena Rack - single column Entreq Athena Rack - single column

    Entreq Athena Rack - single column

    Athena is a hifi rack that is available in different configurations. And of course one of the exciting add-on options is grounding. The Entreq Athena rack is the result of more than 8 years development and tests. Our goal was to...
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  • Entreq Athena Rack - twin column Entreq Athena Rack - twin column

    Entreq Athena Rack - twin column

    Athena is a hifi rack that is available in different configurations. And of course one of the exciting add-on options is grounding. The Entreq Athena rack is the result of more than 8 years development and tests. Our goal was to...
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